Friday, May 21, 2010

FDA Argues Feds Can Deny Consumers the Right to Buy Raw Milk and Dairy Products

Attorneys for the federal government have argued in a lawsuit pending in federal court in Iowa that individuals have no "fundamental right" to obtain what food they choose. The brief was filed April 26 in support of a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund over the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's ban on the interstate sale of raw milk.  read full story here

and lots more info about the fight to keep raw milk legal  HERE

And FYI, here is the FDA's public stance on raw milk The Dangers of Raw Milk 
 blahbity blah...

My personal opinion on raw milk is that fundamentally, cow milk was intended for baby cows, not humans. I was vegan for 8 years and still believe that cow milk should not be a staple food for us--it should be consumed as a treat, if at all. But if people do choose to include dairy products in their diet, raw dairy is the absolute most healthy choice. Raw milk contains the live enzymes necessary to properly digest the proteins and fat in the milk, which enables us to assimilate the nutrients. I invite discussion about milk consumption here, so please feel free to comment with your opinion or any links you may have to share. Here are a few raw milk links to articles I found:
a campaign for real milk
NY Times

I believe that the best thing you can do for your health is learn to trust your own inner guidance to find what is best for your unique body, mind and spirit. I personally consume, in small quantities, raw dairy products. I eat raw cheese, (cheddar is so good with apples!) and when i can find it, i buy raw milk for my daughter who loves it. It will not be so easy for me to obtain it anymore. PCC, our local natural food chain market, recently stopped carrying raw milk. Apparently, Whole Foods has also pulled raw milk from the shelves. read full story here. They cite concern over food safety, however, given the stories i read about the FDA's raid on an Amish Farmer, it's clear that the FDA campaign is becoming more and more aggressive. I would not doubt that the government has threatened retailers even more than independent farmers, and of course Whole Foods isn't going to issue a public statement about that when they can simply attribute the decision to concern over our safety.

I do have friends who own a cow, and they have offered me a small amount of milk if I want it. They don't have very much, but we don't use very much--so I may take her up on the offer. It looks like this will be the only way for us to get access to raw milk unless consumer campaigns prove successful. I am interested to see how this affects the raw cheese market, as I have seen more and more raw cheeses being offered at Trader Joe's. It's looking to me like we are going to have to raise and produce all of our own food soon enough, if we want to maintain control over our own dietary choices. If the day ever comes when the government starts destroying or confiscating citizens' personal livestock, gardens or seeds, I will be moving my family to Europe.

In the meantime, I intend to resurrect an organization I started a few years ago, Temple of Hygieia and update it with these current issues. I was doing way too much at the time I started that website so I dropped the ball on it, but my intention was to form a legal church to protect our constitutional right to our own health freedom. If anyone is interested in helping me develop that organization, please contact me at

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