In June of 2007, i found my way to a simple 100% raw lifestyle that is easy to maintain and brings me great peace and clarity.
I first decided to go raw because i felt it would be a healthy way to lose weight. I didn't expect to lose it so fast, but a year later i was 40 lbs lighter, and i successfully got myself absolutely hooked on yoga. I am in fantastic shape and feel really strong and potent. Other unexpected changes have been the more subtle benefits of eating living food--my life has changed completely, from the inside out. My mind became sharper and faster, and actually grew in fractal dimensions. My artistic talent surged and also increased dimensionally. Physically, it feels like my body can do just about anything when i dance, climb or stretch. My heart also deepened and allowed me to open up to people in a way i never thought possible. I now have the closest, most genuine friendships i've ever had, and more importantly, i feel connected with every living being and i have a strong desire to foster a relationship with the food that sustains me by growing a lot of it myself.
Overall, I have never had more energy and enthusiasm in all my life. I have more than enough energy for myself, and the rest is available to others in my healing work and through my artwork. Going raw allowed me to release all that was standing in the way of my true soul expression as an artist and healer. Both my art and my healing work have taken on new dimensions and i never thought that changing my diet would be the thing that enabled this shift, but somehow, i just knew i had to do it and go all the way.
Update 2/2011: It has been a challenging journey to say the least, and i continue to be challenged as i go through different phases of health with the seasons. Please read this blog post about the detour I've had to take to stay healthy. I am still in support of a 100% raw diet, but my attitude toward animal products has changed dramatically. It is so important not to let dogma stand in the way of living the most authentic, spectrally-healthy life possible. I am currently not doing any nutritional coaching with others, as I have recently learned a new lesson: things change, and what works for a few years might not continue to work. I will be in a better position to assist others when I have my own health and life under control.