"Common dietary mistakes will sap your energy, lower your immunity, and make you cranky. Basic unsuspected foods can make you weak, soft, and fat. Replace them with Bulletproof foods that fill you up, keep you strong, and even make you smarter.
The Bulletproof diet is the foundation for a Bulletproof body and a Bulletproof mind. It’s one of the most important things you can do to increase your performance across the board.
The right foods not only make you stronger and leaner, they can reduce your risks of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. The Bulletproof Diet looks related to the paleo or “caveman” diet based on what our ancestors probably ate, but The Bulletproof Diet arose from research into biochemistry and human performance. For that reason, this diet overcomes some of the problems that can arise from long-term paleo dieting. Think of it as upgraded paleo, or paleo + science, or Paleo 2.0 (except Kurt Harris at archeovore.com already used that last one…)
Best of all, science shows conclusively that the best diet tastes good and is satisfying. It’s not vegan, it’s not low-fat, and you don’t need tolimit calories or eat frankenfoods like tofurkey."
more HERE
These are the principles of this diet plan, which are based on nutritional science, rather than idealism (like raw and vegan diets):
Research proving this diet works.
This is a list of studies behind the principles of this diet. It will be updated as new research becomes available.
Cereal grains contribute to nutrient deficiencies, autoimmune disease, impaired digestion, and contain opioids which make them addicting. (1)
Switching from refined grains to whole grains causes zinc deficiency. (2)
Diets high in grain fiber deplete vitamin D stores. (3)
Removing grains, legumes, and processed dairy while increasing protein intake produces greater insulin sensitivity in animals and humans. (6)(7)
Brown rice (not white) prevents protein digestion and lowers nitrogen balance (a marker of muscle retention). (8)
Gluten and other grain proteins dysregulate the junctions between intestinal cells and increase cancer risk. (9)
80% of long term vegans are deficient in vitamin B12, which is needed for proper mental function.(10)
50% of long term vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12. (11)
B12 deficiency causes dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, and degenerative mental disorders.(12)
Kids who eat a vegan diet are deficient in B12 and have impaired brain function. This reverses when they start eating animal products. (13)
The China Study is a collection of poor research and misinterpreted results. (16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21)
Grass-fed meat is higher in omega-3’s, CLA, TVA, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27)
The longer an animal is fed grains, the more nutrients are lost. (27)
Eating grass-fed meat boosts omega-3 levels more than can be explained by the amount of omega-3’s in the meat (grass-fed meat is better than omega-3 supplements). (28)
A lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids reduces inflammation and protects against disease. (29)
Saturated fat is not associated with cardiovascular disease. This is supported by almost every high quality observational study ever conducted (not that this really matters, since it’s observational data). (30) (31)
Saturated fat does not raise cholesterol levels over time. (32)
Saturated fat raises HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, and decreases the oxidation of cholesterol. (33, 34)
A diet high in saturated fat improves blood vessel function (don’t be fooled by the title of this study, read Chris Masterjohn’s take on what this study actually showed). (35, 36)
To get all the micronutrients your body needs from the USDA (DASH) diet, you would have to eat 33,500 calories a day. (37)
Vitamin D affects over 1000 genes in the human body. (38)
Magnesium deficiency exacerbates insulin resistance. (39)
Eliminating artificial colorings and food allergens improves ADHD symptoms. (40)
One of the things Dave advocates is the consumption of "Bulletproof Coffee", which is a blended drink made from a special grade of coffee bean that is guaranteed to be free of mycotoxins, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil or coconut oil. It tastes like a creamy, rich latte and provides sustained energy for hours. I tried it over the weekend, at least a simulation of it since I didn't have the proper ingredients, and found it delicious and satisfying. Today it was very cold in my apartment so I made a similar drink using black tea, goat milk and butter in the blender, so it came out like Tibetan tea. You can learn more about the Bulletproof Coffee HERE
With so many conflicting opinions on what humans should be eating, we all need to be conscious and discerning in our search for the right diet. I had some bloodwork and testing done last year, and met with a metabolic typing specialist to figure out what my particular metabolism requires. I highly recommend this level of personal guidance because we are not all built the same. My boyfriend and I have totally different metabolic types and require different foods for sustained energy and to maintain a healthy weight. I realize now that I understand the metabolic typing principles that I have spent the past year and a half eating foods that my boyfriend thrives on, but that make me fat. If he ate the way I'm supposed to eat, he would be hungry and irritable all the time, and possibly get too thin. It definitely makes meal planning more challenging for us, but we are both far more driven to be strong and healthy, it's easy to support each other when we share meals--I just give him most of the potatoes.
I have by no means found my "magic bullet", as I thought I'd found when I discovered the raw vegan diet. I am simply one step closer to understanding what helps me to thrive and what I need to let go of in order to build muscle, lose fat, protect myself against disease and maximize my body's energy potential.
By the way, if you have been reading my blog and might be interested in some one-on-one health coaching sessions with me, I am now set up with a new service called Wizpert, and can chat with you live on Skype or Gmail. I intend to eventually make these sessions part of my income, since I have been offering advice to thousands of people for years and currently have no job or income whatsoever. My first few chat sessions on Wizpert will be offered free of charge, at which time I will be reviewed and then potentially offered a paid position. If you jump on it now, you could be one of my first few clients, for free.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope it has been informative for you!
About Dave Asprey