Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

 If you haven't yet watched this Documentary film i highly recommend you do, and pass on the link to friends and family. It's as potent as "Supersize Me" in its message that you CAN make dramatic changes in your health with diet alone. Here is the description of the film from the website:
"Simply Raw" is an independent documentary film that chronicles six Americans with diabetes who switch to a diet consisting entirely of vegan, organic, uncooked food in order to reverse disease without pharmaceutical medication.

The six are challenged to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, soda, junk food, fast food, processed food, packaged food, and even cooked food for 30 days. The film follows each participant’s remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this radical diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse disease and change lives.
The film highlights each of the six before they begin the program and we first meet them in their home environment with their families. Each participant speaks candidly about their struggle to manage their diabetes and how it has affected every aspect of their life, from work to home to their relationships.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Green powders and supplements

young coconut meat and water, mango, banana, cashew, Pure Synergy powder--YUM!
 Many people tell me that they started including smoothies in their daily diet, which gets me really excited--we really are creating a revolution with the way we feed ourselves. And I notice that most people begin with using green "Superfoods" in their smoothies, instead of using fresh whole greens like I usually do. I would say that this is primarily due to the marketing of superfoods and how prevalent they are in nutrition centers, natural food stores and online in advertisements. Also, green powder supplements can be added to any drink made in any blender, while a heavy duty appliance such as a VitaMix is needed to process whole greens smoothly. So my take on it is that superfoods are a great place to start, as you transition into getting more and more of your nutrients from whole foods, and even then, it can't hurt to continue using them.

 Pure Synergy Superfood
 is the green superfood I started with and enjoy.
complete description of ingredients
Once I started consuming kale, chard, collards or spinach daily, I no longer felt the need to use the powder. However, this particular blend contains so many incredible nutrients that I bought another jar and use it whenever I've run out of greens or am too lazy to go out to the garden (the rainy, dreary Seattle weather can do that to you). I used it today because I ate a lot of greens yesterday and felt like it was good to take a day off. Victoria Boutenko recommends that we rotate our greens and not eat the same kind every day, because the leaves produce low levels of a toxin that prevents animals from nibbling them completely off the stalk. Each type of plant produces a slightly different type of this toxin so as long as we are rotating and using different types of greens throughout the week, we won't ingest too much of each one.

But back to green powders, there are so many on the market, it's hard to decide which one to use. I chose the Pure Synergy one based on the intent with which it was created, the impressive list of ingredients, and the testimonial by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. I would suggest doing your own research and let your heart guide you. Raw Vegan Source has many options to choose from including their own brand. They are great people who provide a great service to the raw community and beyond.

Ultimately I wish to stress the importance of eating as much living food as possible. Raw is good, living is best. That means freshly-picked organic produce, unwashed if possible so you get the benefits of the naturally-occurring b-12 and beneficial bacteria on the plants, and also sprouted and fermented foods. Consider your green powder the back-up nutritional source to your plant-based whole foods diet and then rely upon it when traveling or low on fresh food. The smoothie pictured above was made with 100% fresh fruit and coconut, with cashews added for protein, and a teaspoon of Pure Synergy powder. It was delicious and filling, and I didn't have to go out in the rain.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Keep it simple

Most of us were raised eating complete meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks were the little things like fruit, nuts, chips, that we ate in between or if a meal was late. As recently as three years ago, I insisted that I was a "meal person", and couldn't feel satisfied by grazing. I always marveled at the people I met at festivals and camping trips who could eat trail mix and celery all day and not feel the need to sit down and have a big burrito for dinner like I did. I weighed 40 lbs. more then, and those people were always at a perfect weight.

New Years Day brunch I shared with a friend
Like many of you, I tried dieting to lose weight, many times. What always killed it was the hunger and anxiety of feeling like I was starving myself. I tried my first diet at age 12 when my mother told me I was fat. Now, I wasn't fat by any standards but her own, and she was anorexic. But I decided she must be right because she was my mom, so I decided I was only going to eat salad until I got thin. This lasted one day, until we got to my grandma's house and we had spaghetti for dinner. I couldn't resist that urge to fill myself, perhaps learned from my father's binge eating and insistence that we eat everything on our plates whether we wanted it or not. Imagine the confusion of these unhealthy messages about food: "you're fat, don't eat so much", and "eat everything on your plate, we paid good money for it". No wonder I ended up with an eating disorder in college and to this day worry about my weight every single day.

Going raw helped me to heal those negative messages about eating. After trying a low-carb diet once and losing enough weight that I actually didn't feel right (125 lbs is not a healthy weight for me at 5'8" and a strong, well-muscled build), I learned that many people reach their ideal weight on a raw diet because they are finally eating food the way nature intended it. My first month on 100% raw, I felt the need to eat constantly, but because I was eating only nuts, fruit and vegetables, there was no reason why I had to limit myself. I discovered that the myths about fat were untrue, that I could eat cashew butter and avocados every day and still lose weight, and that it was the bread, pasta and starchy potatoes that made it so hard to lose weight in the past. Also, my metabolism has always been somewhat slow, and eating those large meals with long periods of inactivity afterward made it even slower. Letting myself eat whenever I was hungry, but only eating what I needed to feel satisfied, not only felt right but caused me to lose 20 lbs. in 5 weeks. I adopted a practice of having a conversation with my cravings, asking them what they really wanted. Was it comfort? Hunger for a memory, nostalgia of something I used to eat as a child? Or did I need protein? Listening carefully and answered only to the cravings for true nourishment totally transformed the way I feed myself. No longer did I need to sit down and have a large meal to feel satisfied. I felt amazing and so grateful for everything the earth provided for me to nourish my cells and help me do the work I've come here to do.

Some days I feel like snacking all day. I notice that this corresponds with the times when I have nervous energy and don't feel like I'm accomplishing much. I literally distract myself by making another snack. Other days, I don't think about eating until I feel a true need for it, and then it doesn't take much more than a piece of fruit or a smoothie to satisfy that need. I have let go of the "shoulds" of eating and just respond to what IS. The only time I start craving something like a full meal is when I've let myself overeat or eat something that has upset my blood sugar. It took me over three years to fine-tune my body and mind this way, but it has been worth the wait. I have a lot more energy available for other things now that feeding myself is simple. It's very inexpensive, too.

If you wish to include fish in your raw diet, try making ceviche.
A raw and living foods diet is a commitment to a complete lifestyle overhaul. However, you can begin with making a smaller commitment to simply detoxing and getting in touch with your body's true nutritional needs. Even if you don't stay raw through the winter or year-round, you will have addressed the root causes of eating disorders, dysfunctional ideas about food, and discovered which foods give you more or less energy. I highly encourage anyone to at least give it a try and see what changes. I had to gently remind myself during the first few weeks that cheesecake wasn't going to vanish from planet earth just because I wasn't going to eat it for a few months. After I had established a new diet plan for myself, I was able to safely sample favorite foods in very small amounts, which actually gave me a much deeper appreciation for the artful, sensory experiences that food can provide. It also taught me how to make a scrumptious cheesecake out of fruit and nuts that is every bit as delicious as the cheese and egg concoction that did nothing good for my body. I am not missing out on anything. My life is rich and exciting and vibrant. Macaroni and cheese is a very strange substance once you avoid it for a few years and learn to eat what makes you thrive instead of what slows you down and dulls you.

Please do contact me if you would like more information about my raw coaching services. I have several options depending on how far you wish to go and how much you want to participate in creating a new life for yourself. I also offer catering services including consulting for chefs who wish to add gourmet raw items to their menu. This is a great time of year to go raw, for life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spiritual Nutrition

I am a huge fan of Dr. Gabriel Cousens. Reading Spiritual Nutrition when I first began my living foods journey helped to keep me aligned on the path to wellness and I still consider that book the living foods Bible. It took me beyond the concept of diet to embrace holistic wellness, which helped me overcome many of the base urges like food cravings and nostalgia for old habits that undermined my goal of optimal health.

last summer I foraged for about 80% of my food.
Not everyone approaches a raw food diet with spiritual pursuits in mind. I had no idea how my life would change on the more subtle levels by simply changing the food I ate, but the results have been astounding. I can say with certainty that my psychic abilities have increased since going raw, and my capacity for grasping and relating to metaphysical concepts has also increased. Meditation comes easy now, and in my sleep, I have this very "awake" feeling that is hard to describe--it feels like I am able to consciously make changes in my waking life from the dream world. Some nights in the summer I don't feel much need to sleep. It is more like my body shuts down for regeneration and repair, and my mind switches to a different level of consciousness. Feeding myself has indeed become a spiritual experience as my mind, body and spirit are so integrated that they communicate with each other fluently. Those of you just beginning to shift to a more whole-foods diet may still be in the physical changes stage, but I highly encourage you to pick up a copy of Spiritual Nutrition so you can better understand all of the reasons why sticking with this diet will change your reality for the better. One of the best reasons is that you become a beacon of light and positive change for others, as I have. Vibrant goes viral when you activate your highest potential.